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import datetime
# Get a datetime object
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# General functions 
print "Year: %d" % now.year
print "Month: %d" % now.month
print "Day: %d" % now.day
print "Weekday: %d" % now.weekday()
# Day of week Monday = 0, Sunday = 6
print "Hour: %d" % now.hour
print "Minute: %d" % now.minute
print "Second: %d" % now.second
print "Microsecond: %d" % now.microsecond
# ISO Functions
print "ISO Weekday: %d" % now.isoweekday()
# Day of week Monday = 1, Sunday = 7
print "ISO Format: %s" % now.isoformat()
# ISO format, e.g. 2010-12-24T07:10:52.458593
print "ISO Calendar: %s" % str(now.isocalendar())
# Tuple of (ISO year, ISO week number, ISO weekday)
# Formatted date
print now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")



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