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本文实例讲述了基于wxpython实现的windows GUI程序。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:
# using a wx.Frame, wx.MenuBar, wx.Menu, wx.Panel, wx.StaticText, wx.Button, # and a wx.BoxSizer to show a rudimentary wxPython Windows GUI application # wxPython package from: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/ # I downloaded: wxPython2.5-win32-ansi- # if you have not already done so install the Python compiler first # I used Python-2.3.4.exe (the Windows installer package for Python23) # from http://www.python.org/2.3.4/ # tested with Python23 vegaseat 24jan2005 import wx class Frame1(wx.Frame): # create a simple windows frame (sometimes called form) # pos=(ulcX,ulcY) size=(width,height) in pixels def __init__(self, parent, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, pos=(150, 150), size=(350, 250)) # create a menubar at the top of the user frame menuBar = wx.MenuBar() # create a menu ... menu = wx.Menu() # ... add an item to the menu # \tAlt-X creates an accelerator for Exit (Alt + x keys) # the third parameter is an optional hint that shows up in # the statusbar when the cursor moves across this menu item menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Exit the program") # bind the menu event to an event handler, share QuitBtn event self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuitButton, id=wx.ID_EXIT) # put the menu on the menubar menuBar.Append(menu, "&File") self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # create a status bar at the bottom of the frame self.CreateStatusBar() # now create a panel (between menubar and statusbar) ... panel = wx.Panel(self) # ... put some controls on the panel text = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Hello World!") text.SetFont(wx.Font(24, wx.SCRIPT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) text.SetSize(text.GetBestSize()) quitBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Quit") messBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Message") # bind the button events to event handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnQuitButton, quitBtn) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnMessButton, messBtn) # use a sizer to layout the controls, stacked vertically # with a 10 pixel border around each sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Add(quitBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Add(messBtn, 0, wx.ALL, 10) panel.SetSizer(sizer) panel.Layout() def OnQuitButton(self, evt): # event handler for the Quit button click or Exit menu item print "See you later alligator! (goes to stdout window)" wx.Sleep(1) # 1 second to look at message self.Close() def OnMessButton(self, evt): # event handler for the Message button click self.SetStatusText('101 Different Ways to Spell "Spam"') class wxPyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): # set the title too frame = Frame1(None, "wxPython GUI 2") self.SetTopWindow(frame) frame.Show(True) return True # get it going ... app = wxPyApp(redirect=True) app.MainLoop()
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暴雪近日发布了《魔兽世界》10.2.6 更新内容,新游玩模式《强袭风暴》即将于3月21 日在亚服上线,届时玩家将前往阿拉希高地展开一场 60 人大逃杀对战。
艾泽拉斯的冒险者已经征服了艾泽拉斯的大地及遥远的彼岸。他们在对抗世界上最致命的敌人时展现出过人的手腕,并且成功阻止终结宇宙等级的威胁。当他们在为即将于《魔兽世界》资料片《地心之战》中来袭的萨拉塔斯势力做战斗准备时,他们还需要在熟悉的阿拉希高地面对一个全新的敌人──那就是彼此。在《巨龙崛起》10.2.6 更新的《强袭风暴》中,玩家将会进入一个全新的海盗主题大逃杀式限时活动,其中包含极高的风险和史诗级的奖励。
《强袭风暴》不是普通的战场,作为一个独立于主游戏之外的活动,玩家可以用大逃杀的风格来体验《魔兽世界》,不分职业、不分装备(除了你在赛局中捡到的),光是技巧和战略的强弱之分就能决定出谁才是能坚持到最后的赢家。本次活动将会开放单人和双人模式,玩家在加入海盗主题的预赛大厅区域前,可以从强袭风暴角色画面新增好友。游玩游戏将可以累计名望轨迹,《巨龙崛起》和《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 经典版》的玩家都可以获得奖励。
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