在使用python 对wordpress tag 进行细化代码处理时,遇到了调用MySQLdb模块时的出错,由于错误提示和问题原因相差甚远,查看了N久代码也未发现代码有问题。后来问了下师傅,被告知MySQLdb里有一个断接的坑 ,需要进行数据库重连解决。
import MySQLdb def getTerm(db,tag): cursor = db.cursor() query = "SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms where name=%s " count = cursor.execute(query,tag) rows = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() #db.close() if count: term_id = [int(rows[id][0]) for id in range(count)] return term_id else:return None def addTerm(db,tag): cursor = db.cursor() query = "INSERT into wp_terms (name,slug,term_group) values (%s,%s,0)" data = (tag,tag) cursor.execute(query,data) db.commit() term_id = cursor.lastrowid sql = "INSERT into wp_term_taxonomy (term_id,taxonomy,description) values (%s,'post_tag',%s) " value = (term_id,tag) cursor.execute(sql,value) db.commit() db.close() return int(term_id) dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') tags = ['mysql','1111','aaaa','bbbb','ccccc','php','abc','python','java'] tagids = [] for tag in tags: termid = getTerm(dbconn,tag) if termid: print tag, 'tag id is ',termid tagids.extend(termid) else: termid = addTerm(dbconn,tag) print 'add tag',tag,'id is ' ,termid tagids.append(termid) print 'tag id is ',tagids
Traceback (most recent call last): File "a.py", line 40, in <module> termid = getTerm(dbconn,tag) File "a.py", line 11, in getTerm count = cursor.execute(query,tag) File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 154, in execute charset = db.character_set_name() _mysql_exceptions.InterfaceError: (0, '')
只看代码有啥用,mysql 的超时时间调长点或捕获异常从连,原因是
cursor. connection 没有关闭
cursor 这个行为不会再建立一次socket的
看的有点懵懂,先从mysql 里查看了所有timeout相关的变量
mysql> show GLOBAL VARIABLES like "%timeout%";
+----------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------------+-------+ | connect_timeout | 10 | | delayed_insert_timeout | 300 | | innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF | | interactive_timeout | 28800 | | net_read_timeout | 30 | | net_write_timeout | 60 | | slave_net_timeout | 3600 | | table_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | wait_timeout | 28800 | +----------------------------+-------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
发现最小的超时时间是10s ,而我的程序执行起来显然就不了10s 。因为之前查过相关的报错,这里估计这个很可能是另外一个报错:2006,MySQL server has gone away 。即然和这个超时时间应该没关系,那就尝试通过MySQLdb ping测试,如果捕获异常,就再进行重连,修改后的代码为:
#!/usr/bin/python #coding=utf-8 import MySQLdb def getTerm(db,tag): cursor = db.cursor() query = "SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms where name=%s " count = cursor.execute(query,tag) rows = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() #db.close() if count: term_id = [int(rows[id][0]) for id in range(count)] print term_id return term_id else:return None def addTerm(db,tag): cursor = db.cursor() query = "INSERT into wp_terms (name,slug,term_group) values (%s,%s,0)" data = (tag,tag) cursor.execute(query,data) db.commit() term_id = cursor.lastrowid sql = "INSERT into wp_term_taxonomy (term_id,taxonomy,description) values (%s,'post_tag',%s) " value = (term_id,tag) cursor.execute(sql,value) db.commit() db.close() return int(term_id) dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') tags = ['mysql','1111','aaaa','bbbb','ccccc','php','abc','python','java'] if __name__ == "__main__": tagids = [] for tag in tags: try: dbconn.ping() except: print 'mysql connect have been close' dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') termid = getTerm(dbconn,tag) if termid: print tag, 'tag id is ',termid tagids.extend(termid) else: termid = addTerm(dbconn,tag) print 'add tag',tag,'id is ' ,termid tagids.append(termid) print 'All tags id is ',tagids
再执行发现竟然OK了,而细看下结果,发现基本上每1-2次getTerm或addTerm函数调用就会打印一次'mysql connect have been close' 。
import MySQLdb def getTerm(db,tag): cursor = db.cursor() query = "SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms where name=%s " count = cursor.execute(query,tag) rows = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() #db.close() if count: term_id = [int(rows[id][0]) for id in range(count)] return term_id else:return None def addTerm(db,tag): cursor = db.cursor() query = "INSERT into wp_terms (name,slug,term_group) values (%s,%s,0)" data = (tag,tag) cursor.execute(query,data) db.commit() term_id = cursor.lastrowid sql = "INSERT into wp_term_taxonomy (term_id,taxonomy,description) values (%s,'post_tag',%s) " value = (term_id,tag) cursor.execute(sql,value) db.commit() db.close() return int(term_id) def addCTag(db,data): cursor = db.cursor() query = '''INSERT INTO `wp_term_relationships` ( `object_id` , `term_taxonomy_id` ) VALUES ( %s, %s) ''' cursor.executemany(query,data) db.commit() db.close() dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') tags = ['mysql','1111','aaaa','bbbb','ccccc','php','abc','python','java'] tagids = [] for tag in tags: if termid: try: dbconn.ping() except: dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') print tag, 'tag id is ',termid termid = getTerm(dbconn,tag) tagids.extend(termid) else: try: dbconn.ping() except: dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') termid = addTerm(dbconn,tag) print 'add tag',tag,'id is ' ,termid tagids.append(termid) print 'tag id is ',tagids postid = '35' tagids = list(set(tagids)) ctagdata = [] for tagid in tagids: ctagdata.append((postid,tagid)) try: dbconn.ping() except: dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='123456', db='361way', port=3306, charset='utf8', init_command='set names utf8') addCTag(dbconn,ctagdata)
#!/usr/bin/python #coding=utf-8 import torndb def getTerm(db,tag): query = "SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms where name=%s " rows = db.query(query,tag) termid = [] for row in rows: termid.extend(row.values()) return termid def addTerm(db,tag): query = "INSERT into wp_terms (name,slug,term_group) values (%s,%s,0)" term_id = db.execute_lastrowid(query,tag,tag) sql = "INSERT into wp_term_taxonomy (term_id,taxonomy,description) values (%s,'post_tag',%s) " db.execute(sql,term_id,tag) return term_id def addCTag(db,data): query = "INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships (object_id,term_taxonomy_id) VALUES (%s, %s) " db.executemany(query,data) dbconn = torndb.Connection('localhost:3306','361way',user='root',password='123456') tags = ['mysql','1111','aaaa','bbbb','ccccc','php','abc','python','java'] tagids = [] for tag in tags: termid = getTerm(dbconn,tag) if termid: print tag, 'tag id is ',termid tagids.extend(termid) else: termid = addTerm(dbconn,tag) print 'add tag',tag,'id is ' ,termid tagids.append(termid) print 'All tags id is ',tagids postid = '35' tagids = list(set(tagids)) ctagdata = [] for tagid in tagids: ctagdata.append((postid,tagid)) addCTag(dbconn,ctagdata)
execute 执行语句不需要返回值的操作。
execute_lastrowid 执行后获得表id,一般用于插入后获取返回值。
executemany 可以执行批量插入。返回值为第一次请求的表id。
executemany_rowcount 批量执行。返回值为第一次请求的表id。
get 执行后获取一行数据,返回dict。
iter 执行查询后,返回迭代的字段和数据。
query 执行后获取多行数据,返回是List。
close 关闭
max_idle_time 最大连接时间
reconnect 关闭后再连接
mysql> CREATE TABLE `ceshi` (`id` int(1) NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`num` int(1) NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (`id`));
> import torndb > db = torndb.Connection("","数据库名","用户名", "密码", 24*3600) # 24*3600为超时时间 > get_id1 = db.execute_lastrowid("insert ceshi(num) values('1')") > print get_id1 1 > args1 = [('2'),('3'),('4')] > get1 = db.executemany("insert ceshi(num) values(%s)", args1) > print get1 2 > rows = db.iter("select * from ceshi") > for i in rows: … print i
File "/home/361way/database.py", line 145, in execute_lastrowid self._execute(cursor, query, parameters) File "/home/361way/database.py", line 207, in _execute return cursor.execute(query, parameters) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 159, in execute query = query % db.literal(args) TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
写上面的代码时,我刚开始还是试着使用MySQLdb模块的方式引用数据,结果发现报参数的错误 ,经查看代码发现 ,torndb在使用几个sql方法时较MySQLdb精简过了。具体各个方法的传参方法如下(注意参数个数):
close() reconnect() iter(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) query(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) get(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) execute(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) execute_lastrowid(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) execute_rowcount(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) executemany(query, parameters) executemany_lastrowid(query, parameters) executemany_rowcount(query, parameters) update(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) updatemany(query, parameters) insert(query, *parameters, **kwparameters) insertmany(query, parameters)
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