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扫雷是一款益智类小游戏,最早于 1992 年由微软在 Windows 上发行,游戏适合于全年龄段,规则简单,即在最短的时间内找出所有非雷格子且在中间过程中不能踩到雷, 踩到雷则失败,需重新开始。
本文我们使用 Python 来实现扫雷游戏,主要用的 Python 库是 pygame。
BLOCK_WIDTH = 30 BLOCK_HEIGHT = 16 # 块大小 SIZE = 20 # 地雷数 MINE_COUNT = 66 # 未点击 normal = 1 # 已点击 opened = 2 # 地雷 mine = 3 # 标记为地雷 flag = 4 # 标记为问号 ask = 5 # 踩中地雷 bomb = 6 # 被双击的周围 hint = 7 # 正被鼠标左右键双击 double = 8 readied = 1, started = 2, over = 3, win = 4
接着定义一个地雷类,类中定义一些基本属性(如:坐标、状态等)及 get、set 方法,代码实现如下:
class Mine: def __init__(self, x, y, value=0): self._x = x self._y = y self._value = 0 self._around_mine_count = -1 self._status = normal self.set_value(value) def __repr__(self): return str(self._value) def get_x(self): return self._x def set_x(self, x): self._x = x x = property(fget=get_x, fset=set_x) def get_y(self): return self._y def set_y(self, y): self._y = y y = property(fget=get_y, fset=set_y) def get_value(self): return self._value def set_value(self, value): if value: self._value = 1 else: self._value = 0 value = property(fget=get_value, fset=set_value, doc='0:非地雷 1:雷') def get_around_mine_count(self): return self._around_mine_count def set_around_mine_count(self, around_mine_count): self._around_mine_count = around_mine_count around_mine_count = property(fget=get_around_mine_count, fset=set_around_mine_count, doc='四周地雷数量') def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self, value): self._status = value status = property(fget=get_status, fset=set_status, doc='BlockStatus')
再接着定义一个 MineBlock 类,用来处理扫雷的基本逻辑,代码实现如下:
class MineBlock: def __init__(self): self._block = [[Mine(i, j) for i in range(BLOCK_WIDTH)] for j in range(BLOCK_HEIGHT)] # 埋雷 for i in random.sample(range(BLOCK_WIDTH * BLOCK_HEIGHT), MINE_COUNT): self._block[i // BLOCK_WIDTH][i % BLOCK_WIDTH].value = 1 def get_block(self): return self._block block = property(fget=get_block) def getmine(self, x, y): return self._block[y][x] def open_mine(self, x, y): # 踩到雷了 if self._block[y][x].value: self._block[y][x].status = bomb return False # 先把状态改为 opened self._block[y][x].status = opened around = _get_around(x, y) _sum = 0 for i, j in around: if self._block[j][i].value: _sum += 1 self._block[y][x].around_mine_count = _sum # 如果周围没有雷,那么将周围 8 个未中未点开的递归算一遍 if _sum == 0: for i, j in around: if self._block[j][i].around_mine_count == -1: self.open_mine(i, j) return True def double_mouse_button_down(self, x, y): if self._block[y][x].around_mine_count == 0: return True self._block[y][x].status = double around = _get_around(x, y) # 周围被标记的雷数量 sumflag = 0 for i, j in _get_around(x, y): if self._block[j][i].status == flag: sumflag += 1 # 周边的雷已经全部被标记 result = True if sumflag == self._block[y][x].around_mine_count: for i, j in around: if self._block[j][i].status == normal: if not self.open_mine(i, j): result = False else: for i, j in around: if self._block[j][i].status == normal: self._block[j][i].status = hint return result def double_mouse_button_up(self, x, y): self._block[y][x].status = opened for i, j in _get_around(x, y): if self._block[j][i].status == hint: self._block[j][i].status = normal
for row in block.block: for mine in row: pos = (mine.x * SIZE, (mine.y + 2) * SIZE) if mine.status == opened: screen.blit(img_dict[mine.around_mine_count], pos) opened_count += 1 elif mine.status == double: screen.blit(img_dict[mine.around_mine_count], pos) elif mine.status == bomb: screen.blit(img_blood, pos) elif mine.status == flag: screen.blit(img_flag, pos) flag_count += 1 elif mine.status == ask: screen.blit(img_ask, pos) elif mine.status == hint: screen.blit(img0, pos) elif game_status == over and mine.value: screen.blit(img_mine, pos) elif mine.value == 0 and mine.status == flag: screen.blit(img_error, pos) elif mine.status == normal: screen.blit(img_blank, pos)
再接着添加面板的 head 部分,包括:显示雷数、重新开始按钮(笑脸)、显示耗时,主要代码实现如下:
print_text(screen, font1, 30, (SIZE * 2 - fheight) // 2 - 2, '%02d' % (MINE_COUNT - flag_count), red) if game_status == started: elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_time) print_text(screen, font1, SCREEN_WIDTH - fwidth - 30, (SIZE * 2 - fheight) // 2 - 2, '%03d' % elapsed_time, red) if flag_count + opened_count == BLOCK_WIDTH * BLOCK_HEIGHT: game_status = win if game_status == over: screen.blit(img_face_fail, (face_pos_x, face_pos_y)) elif game_status == win: screen.blit(img_face_success, (face_pos_x, face_pos_y)) else: screen.blit(img_face_normal, (face_pos_x, face_pos_y))
for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos x = mouse_x // SIZE y = mouse_y // SIZE - 2 b1, b2, b3 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if game_status == started: # 鼠标左右键同时按下,如果已经标记了所有雷,则打开周围一圈;如果还未标记完所有雷,则有一个周围一圈被同时按下的效果 if b1 and b3: mine = block.getmine(x, y) if mine.status == opened: if not block.double_mouse_button_down(x, y): game_status = over elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if y < 0: if face_pos_x <= mouse_x <= face_pos_x + face_size and face_pos_y <= mouse_y <= face_pos_y + face_size: game_status = readied block = MineBlock() start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = 0 continue if game_status == readied: game_status = started start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = 0 if game_status == started: mine = block.getmine(x, y) # 按鼠标左键 if b1 and not b3: if mine.status == normal: if not block.open_mine(x, y): game_status = over # 按鼠标右键 elif not b1 and b3: if mine.status == normal: mine.status = flag elif mine.status == flag: mine.status = ask elif mine.status == ask: mine.status = normal elif b1 and b3: if mine.status == double: block.double_mouse_button_up(x, y)
本文我们通过 Python 简单的实现了扫雷游戏,大家有兴趣的话,可以实际操作一下,看看自己能否排除全部的雷。
以上就是python实现扫雷游戏的示例的详细内容,更多关于python 扫雷的资料请关注其它相关文章!
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