常春岛资源网 Design By www.syssdc.com
在编写串口通信工具中,需要实现一个函数,自动找到对应com 口,并且连接该com口,保证后续通信正常
在win 设备管理器中,经常会出现多个com 口,但并不是每个com 口都是目标设备所链接的。
尝试打开每个com 口,输入enter 按键, 正确的com 口,会有ack log 返回,表明通信 正常
否则,没有任何log 返回,则判断为非目标设备所连接的com 口。
尝试去打开所有com 口,然后发送enter, 如果在一段时间内有返回值,检查com 口收到的字节数,如果非零,则表明找到了对应的com 口。
import serial import serial.tools.list_ports import threading import binascii import time from datetime import datetime # default value baunRate = 115200 is_read = False is_write = False write_buff = [] sys_buff = [] mSerial = None callback = None is_opened = 0 is_registed = 0 class SerialPort: def __init__(self,port,buand): self.port = serial.Serial(port,buand) self.port.close() if not self.port.isOpen(): self.port.open() #the index of data_bytes for read operation,私有属性 #only used in read lines self.__read_ptr = 0 self.__read_head = 0 #store all read bytes # used in read date, read lines self.__data_bytes = bytearray() def port_open(self): if not self.port.isOpen(): self.port.open() def port_close(self): self.port.close() def send(self): global is_write global write_buff while is_write: if len(write_buff): msg = write_buff.pop(0) msg = msg+"\n" cmd = msg.encode() try: self.port.write(cmd) except: write_buff.clear() is_write = False write_buff.clear() def read_data(self): global is_read global is_opened byte_cnt = 0 while is_read: try: count = self.port.inWaiting() if count > 0: rec_str = self.port.read(count) self.__data_bytes = self.__data_bytes+rec_str #print("receive:",rec_str.decode()) #print(rec_str) byte_cnt += count if not is_opened: is_opened = 1 #print("累计收到:",byte_cnt) #time.sleep(0.5) self.read_lines() except: deinit() #将当前所有的数据都读出,读取位置不变,每次读取指针依次移动,不漏数据, 读取行为一直在进行 def read_lines(self): #reset line_cnt = 0 data_len = len(self.__data_bytes) #print ("") #print ("begin: prt=:", self.__read_ptr, " head =", self.__read_head,"current len =",data_len) if self.__read_ptr >=data_len: return #get all lines in current data_bytes while(self.__read_ptr < data_len-1): if(self.__data_bytes[self.__read_ptr+1] == 0x0a and self.__data_bytes[self.__read_ptr] == 0x0d): tmp = bytearray() tmp = self.__data_bytes[self.__read_head:self.__read_ptr] try: line = tmp.decode() except: self.__read_head = self.__read_ptr + 2 self.__read_ptr = self.__read_head continue iprint(line) line_cnt += 1 self.__read_head = self.__read_ptr + 2 self.__read_ptr = self.__read_head else: self.__read_ptr = self.__read_ptr + 1 def auto_open_serial(): global baunRate global mSerial global callback global is_registed global is_opened #reset deinit() # 列出所有当前的com口 port_list = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports()) port_list_name = [] #get all com if len(port_list) <= 0: iprint("the serial port can't find!") return False else: for itms in port_list: port_list_name.append(itms.device) #try open #print(port_list_name) for i in port_list_name: try: mSerial = SerialPort(i,baunRate) iprint("try open %s"%i) start_task() send("") #return True time.sleep(1) if is_opened: iprint("connect %s successfully"%i) return True else: deinit() if i == port_list_name[len(port_list_name)-1]: iprint("uart don't open") break continue except: iprint(" uart don't open") deinit() return False def deinit(): global mSerial global is_write global is_read global write_buff global is_opened if mSerial: mSerial.port_close() is_opened = 0 is_read = False is_write = False write_buff = [] mSerial = None time.sleep(1) def init(): global mSerial global callback global is_registed global is_opened global is_read global is_write #retry retry_time = 0 while not auto_open_serial(): if not is_opened: iprint("wait for uart connect, retry %s"%str(retry_time)) else: return True retry_time += 1 time.sleep(2) if retry_time == 10: iprint(" open uart fail") return False def send(msg): global mSerial global is_write global write_buff if is_write: write_buff.append(msg) def start_task(): global mSerial global is_write global is_read if mSerial: is_write = True t1 = threading.Thread (target=mSerial.send) t1.setDaemon (False) t1.start () is_read = True t2 = threading.Thread (target=mSerial.read_data) t2.setDaemon (False) t2.start () def iprint(msg): global callback global is_registed msg = "[Uart] "+str(msg) if is_registed: callback.append(msg) else: print(msg) def start_sys_cmd(): global is_registed if is_registed: t3 = threading.Thread (target=process_receive_sys_cmd) t3.setDaemon (False) t3.start() def process_receive_sys_cmd(): global sys_buff global is_registed global callback #print("process_receive_sys_cmd") while is_registed: #print ("wait,process_receive_sys_cmd") if len(sys_buff): #print ("receive,process_receive_sys_cmd") line = sys_buff.pop(0) if "init" in line: if is_opened and is_read and is_write: iprint("already open uart") break iprint("start init") init() if is_opened: break iprint("Eixt uart sys thread") def register_cback(list): global callback global is_registed callback = list is_registed = 1 def unregister_cback(): global callback callback.clear() if __name__ == '__main__': receive = [] register_cback(receive) sys_buff.append("init") start_sys_cmd() def process_receive_msg(): global receive while True: #print("wait") if len(receive): #print("receive") print(receive.pop(0)) t = threading.Thread(target=process_receive_msg) t.setDaemon(False) t.start()
常春岛资源网 Design By www.syssdc.com
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